Serves 2

Preparation time: 10 minutes 
Cooking time:
10 minutes

8-10 slices of streaky bacon 
1 tsp oil 
4 slices of fresh bread, 1 baguette or 2 round crusty rolls 
2 tsp mayo 
2-3 fresh tomatoes, sliced 
4 lettuce leaves, gem, butter or iceberg
Aromat or seasoning 
Black pepper  

Put the bacon into a cold frying pan and put onto a medium high heat and cook until golden on the one side - roughly 5 minutes. Turn and cook the other side until golden, roughly 3 minutes. 

Meanwhile butter your bread/roll.  Put 1 tsp of mayo on the bottom piece.  On the top piece, put the tomatoes and season with aromat (or salt) and black pepper.  Top with the lettuce. 

Meanwhile remove the bacon from the pan on to kitchen towel.  Put the bacon on top of the lettuce and put the lid on.  Cut the sandwich/roll in half and eat.