Bobotie filo cups

Serves 12

Preparation time: 15 minutes 
Cooking time: 45 minutes

200g butter, melted 
1 packet of 275g filo pastry 
1 large onion, finely chopped 
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 
750g beef mince 
2 tbsp medium Raja curry powder 
2 tsp ground turmeric 
2 dried birds eye chillies  
½ ground black pepper 
1 tsp salt and 1 tsp steers or 2 tsp of salt 
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 
2 tsp vinegar, I use South African brown 
150ml beef stock 
4 tbsp Mrs Balls chutney 
1 tbsp apricot jam 
100g frozen peas 

Equipment Needed 
Pastry brush 
Deep pan muffin tray

Put a pan of oil on a medium heat and then start to cook the mince.  Put 1 tbsp of oil in to a large pan or wok and cook the onions on a medium heat for 3-5 minutes until translucent and soft.  Add the garlic and cook for another 2 mins.  Add the mince and cook until the juices come out of the meat and fully evaporates.  Add 1 tbsp oil and mix, add the curry powder, turmeric chillies, black pepper, salt and steer if using and mix, cook for 1 minute.  Add the Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, beef stock, chutney and jam, mix, reduce the heat and leaving cooking while you make the cups. 

Unroll the filo sheets and cut the filo pastry sheets in half lengthways and cut each half into 3 squares.  I cut through all layers at the same time with scissors.  The squares should be big enough to fit into the muffin holes and hang over the sides a little.   

Now comes the labour intensive bit, you have to butter every single sheet all the way to the edges, just remember while buttering that the taste will be worth it.   

Butter the inside of the muffin tin.  Take the first square of filo and brush with butter all over ensuring you get the edges.  Push the pastry into the muffin tray, butter side up.  Get the next sheet of pastry and repeat the buttering, push into the muffin tray on top of the previous sheet, butter one more sheet and push into the tray.  Repeat the process to fill all 12 holes, there will be some remaining pastry.  

Remove the birds eye chillies from the mince and discard.  Add the peas, reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes. 

Place the filo cases into the oven for 4-6 minutes until they are lightly golden and crisp. 

Once the filo is cooked, put the curried mince into the pastry and serve.