Cheese and salami pickle baguette

Serves 2 or 4

Preparation time: 5 minutes 

½ or whole baguette depending on if you are making for 2 or 4 
Jarlsberg cheese - either 4 slices or 8 depending if you are making for 2 or 4 
German salami - either 4 or 8 slices  
English mustard - 2 or 4 tsp 
Mayonnaise - 2 or 4 tsp 
Sweet and sour pickled gherkins to taste 

Cut the very end nib(s) off of your baguette and then cut the baguette into 2 or 4 pieces.  Slice horizontally through the bread making sure not to cut it fully in half, you want the two pieces connected. 

Butter both sides of the baguettes and on one side of each spread the mustard and on the other sides spread mayonnaise.  Put the cheese against the mustard, the gherkins and then the salami against the mayo.