14th November 2020

I love weekends, from the fresh baguette brunches we have and all look forward to, to the cooking and testing we do.

This week we were testing peri peri chicken - aka a Nando’s takeaway.  Matt loves Nandos and especially the fino pitta and so when I told him we were testing this weekend he was extremely happy.

Although the sauce does take probably 30 mins to make, it was really easy and 20 mins of that is cooking the sauce.  You can also make the sauce ahead and keep it in the fridge for when you need it.  It is really, really good, full of flavour and so much nicer than the bottled stuff you can buy.

We decided to make the fino pitta which has garlic mayo, lettuce, halloumi, onion relish and chicken, it was so so so nice.  The only thing was as we grilled it (to get some tasty char on it) the excess sauce fell off and then it was a bit too mild so it either needs more chilli in the first place or some of the cooked sauce to be put on top of your chicken when you serve it.   

The recipe is going up tomorrow so give it a go and let me know how it goes.


15th November 2020


13th November 2020