19th July 2023

The other day I saw some cote de Veal (bone in veal rib steaks) that looked so delicious I bought them. I don’t often buy veal which is likely caused because of the bad reputation veal used to have when I was younger. The veal calves used to have a very bad time by being crated and being unable to move around in order to keep the flesh white.  Thankfully crates were banned in 1990 and now we buy rose veal. 

Veal has more of the look of pork yet tastes very different, it is subtle and cooked well, super soft.

So back to our veal. We marinated it for an hour in lemon juice, garlic and sage and cooked outside over coals and served it with a tomato and olive salad.  The tomato and olive salad was gorgeous, the secret is leaving the tomatoes out of the fridge to come to room temperature so that the flavour can shine.  It was so great that the weather was nice enough to cook and eat outside.


20th July 2023


18th July 2023