1st March 2022

Today is Shrove Tuesday where we celebrate with pancakes.  This tradition might seem a little odd but for Christians who partake in some kind of abstinence during Lent, Shrove Tuesday was the last day in which to use up foods in the cupboards such as sugar, fats and eggs.  Since pancakes contain all of these things they were thought of as the perfect food.

My pancake mix is really a throw it all in haphazardly and cook, they almost always turn out perfectly, I think it really is just confidence to be honest. I have made so many of them in my time it is not even funny and at one point I did think Matt would start to look like a pancake he ate so many of them.  When I was trying to type up the recipe I laughed to myself at how difficult writing it down was because it is usually just done by feel. Writing it took more work than I can tell you.


2nd March 2022


28th February 2022