20th December 2020

Flicking through a magazine we saw the nicest looking pork belly dish, sticky, crispy pork belly cubes with a Chinese flavour.  It looked so good we both knew we needed to have this. And so it was we set about the almost 4 hour long cook while we put the Christmas wreath on the door and the lights up outside.  The house smelt simply wonderful and I literally could not wait to dive in.

Despite being a fairly competent cook, I knew when we were about half an hour away from being done that the pork despite tasting amazing was never ever going to look like the picture.  Looking at the picture I knew that the pork would only ever look like it if it was finished off under the grill or at a very high temperature in the oven.  With some tweaking this could be a recipe to keep.

We served this with white rice and buttered cabbage as well as a recently discovered Chinese condiment, chiu chow chilli oil which is chilli in sesame oil and is quite spicy but really really amazing.  It really transforms dishes so if you have never tried it, you must.


21st December 2020


19th December 2020