27th February 2021

Confession time. I don’t really like dark chocolate, it is just far too bitter for me with my very sweet tooth.   In most recipes if it calls for dark chocolate I replace a third with milk chocolate.  As I have said many times before, if you don’t like something, change it.

My favourite chocolate is kinder be it the bars, the little eggs or the ‘normal’ eggs with the little toys.  I just love kinder chocolate and seeing a recipe for rocky road thought how good it would be using kinder chocolate so we gave it a go.  Oh my word it was absolutely fantastic, I have never had a rocky road so good.  I found myself taking a small piece every time I went near the cake tin and unfortunately, so did everybody else. It did not last very long at all, good excuse I suppose to make it again.


28th February 2021


26th February 2021