29th May 2021

We went to Clare’s today for a drink and a catch up and we had burgers which were made on her Big Green Egg.  For anybody unsure of what that is (I know I was until Clare had one!) this is a braai/bbq that is ceramic.  It cooks in a slightly different way and so anything you cook inside you should be able to cook outside.  There is a ceramic plate that effectively stops the flames coming up on your food although that can be removed.  The thing we did learn today was this, if you use one of these you need to ‘burp’ it.  That is, when you go to lift the lid, open it a very small amount for a few seconds then you can lift it.  This is because inside is HOT – really, really hot – and if you lift it quickly you can cause a fireball which could cause serious injury. Why did we learn this? A fireball of course! Lucky Rhona has quick reflexes.


30th May 2021


28th May 2021