2nd February 2024

Today we had pregos which are super easy and very, very delicious.  These are perfect for Fridays because they are super easy and so full of flavour.  I like to make my own peri peri sauce however, this would work just as well with bought peri peri sauce.  You can also buy whatever heat preference you have.  Our peri peri sauce is very very spicy but once it is on a bun and over the steak, it is not too hot.  You can add cooked onions or cheese if you like but today we had them plain.

These work beautifully on Portuguese buns which are hard to buy here so I make my own but you can just buy those little buns that are sort of quarter size baguettes, crusty outside, soft inside.  The buns are really easy to make but do take a few hours while they rise.


3rd February 2024


1st February 2024