2nd June 2021

I went into the office today, I needed to get my issues resolved and I thought it might prove easier being there rather than on the end of a phone.  Managing to sort my work issues out and the lack of food yesterday meant I was STARVING today and I remembered my gorgeous asparagus I have in the fridge and I decided to make a quiche with a pea custard when I got home. On the train I just made up what I thought would be a good pea and asparagus recipe. It was so good. Better than good it was great.  I just love peas.  Nicky said Monday how pointless peas are and that they have no personality and she doesn’t like them.  It just blew my mind!  How can you not like peas? This was one of the best things I have cooked in absolutely ages.


3rd June 2021


1st June 2021