31st January 2021

Today was cold and so something warming was needed, yesterday when I was planning what to cook today I got lamb shanks in my brain and knew that is what I needed.

This week I didn’t pre-order from my butchers because I was busy and didn’t quite get my act together.  Also yesterday I was running around until late and so it was only this morning I was able to call the butchers to check they had lamb shanks - they didn’t.  It was then that I made a rookie error.  Rather than asking what they did have and changing what I was cooking I decided to try a different butchers. Rule number 1: when you find a good supplier don’t change to another just because you have something in your head, alter what you are cooking to what they have.

Off Rhona went to the butchers and we got our shanks so all good, or so I thought. Actually it turned out not so great because when I unwrapped them today one of them was very clearly a goat.  The smell of goat is just unmistakeable and I am just not that into goat.  I know some people love it but I don’t even like goats cheese so the flesh was never going to be appreciated either.

On we pushed preparing the sauce, frying off the shanks and, although the recipe we made was lovely, the sauce was wonderful and rich and it went beautifully with polenta, in my head I could just taste goat through the whole dish.  This is definitely one to try again with shanks from my usual butchers.


1st February 2021


30th January 2021