3rd November 2020

I love stir fries - they are super quick to cook, healthy and really very tasty and todays beef stir fry was no exception.  I like mine with lots of garlic, ginger and chilli and cooked quickly so the vegetables are still crunchy.  I also really love cabbage in stir fries, it takes on a really lovely lovely flavour.

We made a lovely sauce which is heavy on the kicap manis and really brought out the flavour of the beef.  The whole thing including the cutting of the ingredients took less than 20 mins.

A little top tip for measuring out honey.  Take a very small amount of flavourless oil and with your finger rub it over your measuring spoons.  The honey won’t stick to the spoons and you will have no problems measuring.


4th November 2020


2nd November 2020