9th January 2023

On looking through the Delia Smith Christmas book I saw this lovely looking mushroom pasta bake.  It has now been on my radar for a while and today we actually got around to making it - well a version of it.  I am not a huge fan of taleggio, I don’t dislike it but it isn't a go to cheese.

Anyway we are still have remnants of Christmas, a chutney here, nuts there etc and I found an unopened Boursin and right in that instance this morning I knew exactly what cheese I would use in that mushroom pasta bake.  Garlic and mushrooms work so well together and as I dug my fork in for that first bite I just knew it would be wonderful and it was.  This really was perfect, it had so much flavour and it was everything you need from a meat free we managed to get through Monday meal.  Highly recommended.


10th January 2023


8th January 2023