9th October 2020

Matt asked for macaroni cheese and ribs today, two of my favourite things.

Now if you have only had the heat up ribs from your local supermarket you are really missing out on something truly amazing.  Pop along to your butchers and get a rack of spareribs, they are FULL of meat and really are very easy to make.  Yes they take a while to cook but the hands on cooking time is 15 mins and for the rest of the time they just cook away to themselves.

I like to cook my ribs in coke - the acidity and sweetness really work very well.  You then reduce the cooking liquor, add some other ingredients and boil hard and you get a sticky beautiful sauce to glaze your ribs with.

We also cooked a macaroni cheese which is pretty simple but real comfort food.  

The last time I cooked it I managed to curdle my cheese sauce, I did not even have any idea you could curdle a cheese sauce.  I have since found out that if you incorporate the cheese with your sauce still on the heat this is a possibility. To rescue curdled cheese sauce you need to add a spoonful of lemon juice and I also added a small amount of cream and it did come back but for a moment I was worried. I have a blog post on rescuing dishes which might just help you out of a sticky situation.


10th October 2020


8th October 2020