Easy mid-week get together

If you ever have friends over and want an easy midweek make ahead menu then this is it:   

Tomato bruschetta

Tomato bruschetta

Tomato Bruschetta 
Prawn and prosecco risotto 
Strawberries and cream panna cotta 

A few hours before your guests arrive there are 3 things you need to do:  

make your panna cotta and strawberry coulis (this might sound complicated but it will take less than 15 minutes); 

Make your seafood stock. 

Then half an hour before your guests arrive, make the risotto.  You need to cook your risotto until just al dente and then spread out over a baking tray to cool and then put into the fridge.  

Just before your guests are due cut your tomatoes and cover the dish.   

When you want to eat your starter put some gorgeous bread in to toast (I really like the Crosta & Mollica Pane Pugliese toasting bread) , season your tomatoes with lots of salt, some pepper, good balsamic, good olive oil and give it a good stir.  Slice a garlic clove in half and take your bread that has warmed and toasted and rub over the raw garlic clove.  Now top with the tomatoes.  Eat before the bread gets soggy.   

When you want to eat your mains, take the rice out of the fridge, put into a saucepan, just cover with boiling stock and stir and heat until cooked through, add your parmesan and black pepper and that’s it.  This means less than 10 mins from fridge to table. 

Remove your panna cotta, drizzle over the coulis and serve with a fresh strawberry.

Prawn and prosecco risotto