Fondant swede

Serves 8

Preparation time: 5 minutes 
Cooking time: 45 minutes 

I adore vegetables and there is something about the soft, buttery way this is cooked which means it is one of my favourite ways to cook swede. The butter seems a lot but not all will be absorbed and eaten and, it is a special occasion not an everyday occurrence!

1 large swede or 2 small, sliced into thick 3cm slices and cut each slice into 4 or 6 depending on the size of your swede so they are a similar width and height
1 tbsp oil 
200g butter 
200ml stock, chicken or vegetables 

Heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat and add the swede, cooking for around 5 minutes both sides until golden.  Add the butter and let it melt.  Once the butter has melted add the stock, season with pepper and cover either with a lid or piece of baking parchment. 

Cook for 15-20 minutes and turn for a further 10-15 minutes.  The swede should now be tender and can either be cooked straight away or reheated later just in a frying pan with a small amount of butter.