Gammon hash
Serves 4
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
(or 45 if not using leftover potatoes)
600g Potatoes - either leftover cooked or raw
1 onion, quartered and then sliced
50g butter
300g Brussel sprouts, sprout tops or cabbage, sliced
500-600g cooked gammon or ham, chopped into smallish chunks
4 eggs
If you don’t have leftover potatoes then you will need to cook your potatoes first. Peel and chop your potatoes smallish, put into a clean carrier bag, tie a knot and ensure your bag is air tight then put into your microwave for 5 minutes, take out and shake and put back in for 3 more minutes if they are not softish.
Put 1 tbsp oil into a large frying pan or wok and when hot add the potatoes and some seasoning.
Cook for 10-15 minutes shaking from time to time until they start to go golden. If your potatoes are leftovers then they might not take as long.
Add the onion and cook for 3-5 minutes until soft and translucent, if you need a little more oil then add ½ tbsp.
Add the greens to the pan and cook for another 3-5 minutes until starting to go golden. Add the gammon or ham and cook for another 5-10 minutes until steaming hot and golden.
When your hash is almost ready, pan fry your eggs, 2 at a time. Put 1 large knob of butter and 1 tsp of oil into a small frying pan, break in your two eggs and then turn on the heat to medium and cook until the white sets (around 3 minutes), then baste the top of the yolk with the oil/butter. You can now cook this to your liking, the longer you cook, the more set it will be.
To plate, put the hash on to the plate and top with your egg.