Mini egg Easter cookies

Mini eggs cookies

Makes 12

Preparation time: 10 minutes  
Cooking time:
10 - 12 minutes 

These cookies are an adaptation of my chocolate truffle cookies with the addition of yummy mini eggs. The trouble with these is one cookie just really is not enough.

80g Plain Flour 
25g cocoa powder 
½ tsp baking powder 
90g caster sugar 
25g butter, cubed 
1 eggs 
1 tbsp Frangelico 
25g icing sugar 
80g smashed mini eggs
80g mini eggs to decorate

These cookies spread so you need to give them plenty of room so they don't become one.

Line a baking tray or two with baking parchment or a silpat liner.

Put the flour, cocoa, baking powder and sugar into a stand mixer and set going on medium until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.   Add the egg and Frangelico and mix until everything comes together.   Fold through the mini eggs and then wrap the dough in cling film and put into the fridge for half an hour.

Preheat the oven to 180c.  Put the icing sugar on to a plate.  Cut your dough into 4 equal sized pieces and each quarter into 3.  This should give you 12 cookies.  Put your pieces in icing sugar as it will stop the dough sticking to your hands and roll into balls. Place on the baking trays and cook for 10-12 minutes.  Push the eggs into the centre and then leave to one side to 'set'.