Perfect jacket potatoes

Feeds 4  (easily scaled up or down)

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 1½ hours


4 large baking potatoes
Olive Oil 
Crushed rock salt 

I always use Vivaldi potatoes that you can only buy from Sainsbury’s 

Wash them and with a sharp knife poke the potatoes for the steam to escape. 

On a baking tray put a mound of rock salt. 

Pour some olive oil into your hands and smother the potatoes in oil and place on to the salt.  Place on a wire rack and put into a hot oven (190c) for 1½ hours or until soft. If you don’t have rock salt, just season with salt over the olive oil and cook in the oven on a wire rack. 

When you cut open the potato and smother with butter, don’t forget to season the inside of your potato. 

Top with your favourite toppings, ours include chilli, sour cream and crispy bacon bits, cheese and spring onion, sweetcorn crème fraiche etc.