Rocket salad

Feeds 4 as a side dish

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 3 minutes

25g pine nuts 
100g rocket leaves 
2 tbsps balsamic vinegar 
25g Parmesan 
Touch of salt 
Freshly ground black pepper 

Start by toasting your pine nuts.  To do this get a small dry frying pan and tip in the pine nuts. While the pan heats thoroughly and the pine nuts heat it will look as though nothing is happening then all of a sudden they will start to brown and then you must jiggle the pan every 10-15 seconds in order to stop them burning.  When you are happy with them, turn the heat off and put to one side. 

In a bowl put the rocket and lightly season with salt and freshly ground black pepper.  Drizzle over the balsamic and lightly wither with a fork and spoon or your hands, just carefully toss the leaves until coated.  Take your parmesan and either shave in (using a vegetable peeler) or grate in.  Add the pine nuts and carefully mix everything through. 

Sit back and marvel how something so simple can be so utterly delicious.