Sticky sesame harissa wings

Serves 4

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour

2kg chicken wings 
2 tbsp baking powder 
½ tsp salt 
1 tsp ground pepper 

Sauce Ingredients 
1 tsp ground cinnamon  
1 tsp chicken seasoning 
½ tsp chilli powder 
3 tbsps clear honey  
2 tbsps harissa  
25g sesame seeds, toasted  
50g pistachio and macadamia nuts, mixed and roughly chopped  
Black pepper  

Preheat the oven 120c. 

Put the wings between a few sheets of kitchen rolls to that they dry out. 

Mix the baking powder, salt and pepper in a bowl and lightly coat each wing, gently tapping each wing on the side of the bowl to remove any excess coating.  Put on to an oven tray with a wire rack and put into the oven for 30 minutes. 

After half an hour, increase the oven to 220c and cook for a further 25-35 minutes until golden and crispy. 

Meanwhile combine all of the sauce ingredients together in a small saucepan and bring to the boil.  As soon as bubbling, reduce the heat to medium and cook for around 5 minutes until sticky and thick.

Coat the golden wings in the sticky sauce and toss so they are completely coated. Top with the sesame seeds and nuts and a sprinkle of salt and serve immediately. 

- Recipe an adaptation of a recipe from Sabrina Ghayour, Simply