Tomato soup

Serves 2

Cooking time: 15 minutes   

The question I was asked was why bother making this when it tastes so similar to the cream of tomato soup you can buy ready-made. The answer is simple, you might fancy tomato soup and not have a tin in your cupboard. Plus this is so super simple and you know exactly what is in it.

400g tin of tomatoes 
1 tbsp tomato puree 
½ tsp sugar 
1 stock pot 
3 tbsp cream 
¼ tsp ground white pepper 

Put all of the ingredients except the cream into a pot and give it a good stir.  Over a medium heat bring to the boil.  Once very hot and bubbling reduce the heat slightly so it is not bubbling ferociously and cook for a further 5 minutes, stirring from time to time. 

After the 5 minutes is up, using a stick blender or liquidiser, blend the soup until smooth.  Add the cream, check the seasoning and serve very hot.