Vegan Baileys butter


Serves 6
(easily doubled, tripled, quadrupled etc) 

Preparation time: 15 minutes  

250g vegan butter 
115ml vegan Baileys

You need to whip the butter first, the easiest way to do this is with a stand mixer although you can do it with a hand blender or hand whisk. Whip the butter until it is soft and creamy and the volume has increased. 

Add ⅓ of the Baileys and thoroughly mix in.  Repeat twice until the Baileys is used up and thoroughly incorporated. 

Get a piece of cling film the length of your arm and put the butter in the middle. 

Spoon into a sausage shape and bring the cling film over the top and roll keeping the cling film tight and keeping it in the shape of a sausage.  Tie up the ends with the cling film at each end and refrigerate.