Cherry Season

Five years ago my sister in law Kathryn came across a cherry tree farm where you can rent a cherry tree for the year - a great idea - somebody else takes care of the tree for you all year round and you get a two week window in which to pick your tree and walk away with beautiful fresh cherries.  You can pick as many times as you want until your tree is empty. We never go more than twice because of the distance and usually get 4-8 fruit boxes full of cherries, although this is totally dependent on the weather.  The ideal thing to do is to pick at the start and end of the picking slots so any unripe cherries have time to ripen and also you are not overloaded with cherries.

Last year we were told that the crop had suffered badly with the lack of sun and the weeks of torrential rain.  How bad can it really be we thought?  Well very apparently because we only got 1 small box of cherries between us. Cherries are porous and so the majority had taken on too much water and split and there were not that many to begin with.  I really felt for the cherry tree company because some people were really unhappy and loudly voicing their annoyance.  What can you do about the weather? We had enough cherries to enjoy, make a chocolate cherry cake and a tarte tatin, just not enough to share amongst our friends and family.  Happily this year we were back on track and sharing our goodies with those we love.

If you have never been fruit picking you must go, it is really fabulous being in the fresh air picking fresh fruit and nibbling away at all the gorgeous, sweet treasure as you go.  I love eating the cherries straight from the tree, they are dark, juicy and feel like such a treat.  Finish your day with a celebratory pub lunch and what a day you will have.

Let's be honest, fresh cherries are expensive and so renting the tree is much more cost effective, especially if you share with somebody and they freeze brilliantly.  I tested by freezing some whole, some stoned and both ways the work well and they hold their shape perfectly.

I absolutely love cherries.  There are also many wonderful cherry recipes I love to make and eat.  My absolute favourite is tarte tartin spiced with cinnamon, cardamom and star anise. I can’t explain just how much I love it, the buttery spiced cherries, the deep and sweet caramel syrup and the gorgeous golden pastry, if you have never tried it you really should, it is actually very simple and uses shop bought puff pastry. (Our friend Nicky also loves it and so I really love making it for her, there is nothing nicer than giving somebody a homemade gift of something they love and that makes them happy).

Chocolate and cherry tart

I have also made some delicious cherry jam and have been baking lots of chocolate and cherry combos, chocolate cake with cherry sauce and vanilla mascarpone, chocolate panna cotta with a cherry sauce and brandy snap which is a perfect dessert for when you have people over as everything is made ahead of time and lastly a chocolate and cherry tart. The tart filling is silky smooth and so delicious with the cherries.

Possibly though the very best thing I have been cooking is these delicious little cherry puffs, puff pastry with this sweet delicious silky divine filling. Super crispy and golden, perfect with a beautiful cup of coffee and the perfect little mid afternoon snack. Cherry pie is also perfect with a cup of coffee.

Thank you Special Agent Dale Cooper for suggesting the coffee and cherry pie combo.

Try one of our recipes and let us know what you think.

Chocolate cake with cherry syrup


Step by step: the Great(ness) fry up


The Wonderful World of Spices