Happy New Year

Another New Year is almost among us and I have high hopes that 2022 will be a good year, even though COVID has been spreading like wild fire in recent days.  Maybe one day it will become more like a cold and hardly thought about but meanwhile keep safe and stay positive where you can, this too shall pass.

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and ate lots of good food. We certainly did, we also got very into Exploding Kittens, a fun card game that has a few expansion packs to make it last longer and make you laugh more.  Nothing gets your heart beating faster than seeing the imploding kitten coming.

Lots of friends and people we know have now decided that for New Years Eve rather than going out they will stay in and perhaps have friends over.  If that is your plan you can make a gorgeous easy make ahead dinner menu using sparkling wine as the celebratory theme to make it feel a little more special.  Everything is cooked beforehand and literally just popped into the oven and finished off on the night, what can be better, fabulous food, very simply assembled.

Cheese soufflé

Your make ahead sparkling wine meal starts with a cheese soufflé and pear salad with sparkling wine salad dressing.  As the soufflés are double baked you can do the first bake earlier in the day, make the dressing and prep your pears and salad and then all you need to do on the night is put your soufflés in the oven for 20 mins and while they are in the oven put the salad on the plates and then it is just a case of placing the soufflés and first course is completed. 

Prosecco chicken

Just before you sit down you can put the main course into the oven.  Consisting of prosecco chicken, potato bake and broccoli.  The chicken and potato bake are prepped earlier in the afternoon so just before you sit down for your starter put both into the oven for half an hour.  Then you just need to sauté off your broccoli while you dish.

Potato bake

Pudding could be an orange (or vanilla) panna cotta with a pomegranate jelly, again this is prepared earlier in the day so you just need to serve.  To keep it from being too stressful serve in glasses to save worrying about how it will turn out.

Panna cotta with a pomegranate jelly

One easy stress free and special 3 course meal made more special using sparkling wine.  I love prosecco but use whatever your preference is, champagne, cava etc.

Whatever your plans I hope you have a wonderful evening and hope 2022 is a good one for you and your family.

Kelly x


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