12th June 2023

I am always amazed with just how much you can do with 1 roast chicken.  I have started buying the larger chickens so that day 1 I roast it and we can have say a caesar salad (or roast in the winter) then we use the leftovers to make quesadillas and I freeze portions to put into a risotto or pasta and the carcass I use to make chicken noodle salad which really is one of my favourite things, it is filling and really low calorie.  Plus it has this wonderful way of just making you smile and feel restored.

Tonight I used it to make a really easy leftovers pasta dish, I fried leftover bacon (75g will do but I had double that so just used it all) then added an onion and garlic and cooked until soft and I added ½ tsp chilli flakes, a stock pot and 2 tbsps of tomato puree.  I then added about 200g leftover chicken that I had chopped, 2 tbsps of mascarpone (although I sometimes use cream, it just depends what is in my fridge), about 100g of pasta water and I tossed through rigatoni.  It is so simple, so quick and uses up lots of leftovers which really is a great feeling.  Best of all it is bloody delicious.


1st July 2023


11th June 2023