1st July 2023

I wanted to make a pavlova today and usually my pav is big and feeds at least 12 people but I didn’t want it to be so big so I halved the eggs and sugar but left the cornflour and vinegar at the usual 1 tsp. I forgot just how much I love pavlova. I topped it with vanilla cream and macerated strawberries and oh my word it was divine. Just take this pav recipe and in the cream put a tsp of vanilla and for the strawberries, take 2 tbsps of alcohol (I used rum today but prosecco, brandy, limoncello etc etc will all work) and a tbsp of sugar and mixed and just left to one side for an hour. I topped the pavlova with the cream and put the strawberries over the top with the juice. It was really good and worth every calorie.


2nd July 2023


12th June 2023