16th February 2023

We have friends over tomorrow and have decided to cook from Ixta Belfrage’s Mezcla.  Mezcla means mix, blend or fusion.  Ixta is an Ottolenghi protégé and is her recipes are inspired by her heritage of Brazilian and Mexican and Italy.  I am not usually a big fusion fan but in this instance the fusion works so well.  Everything we have made has been so good, really delicious, super tasty and really really flavoursome.  I thought a lime and tequila panna cotta would go really nicely as it also embraces Italian/Mexican.  Searching through my books I found a Gordon Ramsay recipe in Gordan Makes it Easy.  I just now need to decide if I am going to adapt my own recipe or follow Gordon. Watch this space.


17th February 2023


15th February 2023