17th February 2024

I was clearing through emails and saw this gorgeous looking sandwich sent through by Delicious Magazine.  It was a pulled pork Cuban inspired brioche roll.  It looked really good and we got to talking about making it. As with these things sometimes, you get to talking about what bits you would change and, as I always say, if something doesn’t suit your taste, change it.  So we set about changing it a little deciding to change the pork, the bread, the mayo, the onions to make our version of The Cuban.  The pork cooked away for 3 hours or so filling the house with the most wonderful smells.  It was crispy, crunchy, soft, salty and so insanely delicious.  As I took my first bite of the most amazing 'sandwich' I have ever eaten I really thought life just doesn't get any better than this.


18th February 2024


12th February 2024