1st January 2024

Ahh the start of a New Year.  Where does the time go honestly.

Ordinarily I bounce into the new year filled with hope for the year ahead. The last few years have been quite difficult so I am not feeling as positive as I usually do. 

Despite this however, today has been a lovely day.  We started with Eggs Benedict (Matt had Eggs Benedict and Eggs Royale) and we were also testing recipes, a chorizo and prawn fideau which was really delicious, the taste was wonderful and the recipe worked really well. If you have never heard of a fideau, it is a noodle paella and it makes the most wonderful crust at the bottom. One more test and we can get it up. We also tested burnt basque cheesecakes, one with orange curd and one chocolate. Unfortunately I overfilled the tins (rookie) and so the filling spilt over and made knowing when it was done very very difficult. The taste was just lovely but it was slightly overcooked.


2nd January 2024


20th August 2023