20th June 2022

The day job is really busy and some days are so bad that at the end of them I am totally exhausted and just cannot even begin to think about standing in the kitchen cooking.  Luckily for me there are lots of leftovers from yesterday.  I was going to just freeze them but thought on reflection that the ribs would be perfect in wraps, and so they were.  They were fabulous actually and the flavour was so much better than yesterday.  It never ceases to surprise me when slow cooked dishes improve with age.  I wish I always remembered this.

I also ordered two books, Anthony Bourdain's Appetites and John Chantarasak's Kin Thai, Kin Thai is the July book of the month for the cookbook club.  We love Thai food so we are super excited to get cooking.


21st June 2022


19th June 2022