23rd January 2024

A while ago Rhona saw a post on insta of sloppy Joes that piqued her interest.  She then handed over to me to look into the different recipes and figure out what makes the sloppy Joe a sloppy Joe and come up with a recipe. 

So from what I gathered (and anybody more in the know, please feel free to correct me) it is essentially a hamburger tasting mince roll.  Obviously it would be called a ground beef sandwich in the US but over here in the UK a sandwich is with bread not rolls.

So the sauce is really a condiment sauce usually, mustard, bbq sauce and ketchup.  I changed it slightly for our taste buds and added tomatoes and tomato puree and made some tweaks as the recipe developed but I am really pleased with it.  And whilst I think it would be really good in a brioche bun, we did it on sweet potatoes and it was really good.  We have leftover mince so I am going to turn it into a pizza Friday.


24th January 2024


22nd January 2024