23rd November 2020

There is a gorgeous summer pasta dish that we do that is light and fresh and so good.  Anyway today I thought I would try to turn it into a winter pasta dish as it is so enjoyed for us and what a success*.  I bought some young and gorgeous brussels which we sautéed with leeks, garlic and chilli then we added peas, lemon zest and juice, olive oil and parmesan for seasoning.  If you don’t eat dairy you could either use vegan parmesan or just season with salt.

* We got a packet of red chillis and 3 chillis in not one of them has had any heat. So today without tasting the chilli we put one whole chills in, seeds and all only to find it was REALLY hot ha ha, needless to say not everybody loved the pasta.


24th November 2020


22nd November 2020