25th November 2020

So with Christmas fast approaching today was time to start testing recipes.  Usually we have cockerel (a very large chicken) or beef wellington but this year have saw a lovely porcini sirloin recipe and thought it might make a nice change. This proved to be quite a controversial choice and not everybody in the house was as pleased.

I just really, really don’t think turkey is very special. I mean if I had to eat it I would.  If you want the illusion of turkey then pick cockerel, it is beautifully moist, super super tasty and big enough to feed everybody and have leftovers (and most people would think it was turkey because of the size.

Anyway perfect with beef is mushroom ketchup and roasted charred onions.  Tonight we had sirloin, potato bake, mushroom ketchup, gorgeous gravy, roasted onions and sweet brussels. It was a brilliant combination.  The mushroom ketchup was nice but not what I was looking for so we need to find another recipe and do another tester.


26th November 2020


24th November 2020