27th October 2020

It is that time of year again when the clocks have gone back and it is dark and cold and the air smells of fires, I love it. 

It is Halloween on Saturday and it is pumpkin season and so this week we are enjoying lots of pumpkin recipes.  Tonight was a gorgeous pumpkin risotto (you can use any pumpkin or squash as they all work well).  I love using up leftovers and hate waste so instead of carving your pumpkin and throwing the flesh in the bin, cut it up, put it in an oven dish, cover with olive oil and flaky salt and roast on 180 for 20-30 mins until soft.  Then cook your risotto and just before you put through the butter, parmesan and tbsp of stock at the very end, add your roasted pumpkin and then fold through your butter etc as you usually would.  It is really, really delicious and wastes nothing.

Don’t throw the seeds in the bin, clean them and roast them, they are a gorgeous snack.


28th October 2020


26th October 2020