31st December 2020

We should have been seeing in the New Year and celebrating in South Africa and I am really sad that we could not be.  COVID is more rife than I ever thought it would be at this point, both here and in South Africa and so it would have been irresponsible to go. 

So we therefore decided why not cook South African instead. We chose Vetkoek which I really absolutely LOVE.  I like it with curried mince, Rhona also likes it with apricot jam and cheese - usually one savoury, one sweet.

The vetkoek were pillowy and the outside slightly chewy as they should be, literally perfect with the curried mince.  You know they are good when you are full, you know you are full, but you just cannot resist.  Just, one, more, vetkoek.  Afterwards you regret that last one but they are so good you cannot stop.


1st January 2021


30th December 2020