3rd February 2022

Do you ever have those days where you have absolutely no idea what you will eat for your evening meal and, because you are not sure, you keep pushing it back to later until it is really late and you stare into your fridge/cupboards blankly wondering what you will make.  Me too. It happened today. I spent so long pondering and dithering that it was so late I now just wanted something really quick.

I took a big deep breath and then relooked. The things I always keep in my cupboards are pasta, tinned tomatoes, black olives, capers, onions and garlic which are all you need for a gorgeous bowl of puttanesca.  So we got busy and that is what we made. I always forget how much I love Puttanesca, it is such a robust flavourful quick wonderful dish.  Sometimes I have too many recipes to try and test and cook that I forget about easy dishes that I love.


4th February 2022


2nd February 2022