5th December 2021

So today was the highlight of year for me, we went to purchase our tree.  Last year we bought a tree with roots to reuse year after year but it died on us half way through the year - how are you supposed to keep them alive?!?! So this year I reverted back to a real cut tree.  I have been told it is not great for the environment but for me nothing beats a real tree and we really try in lots of ways to limit our impact on the environment. 

So after getting home with the tree, the Christmas tunes were cranked up, the nibbles put into the oven so you can have a little bite as you work and down came the Christmas box. The lights were put up outside, the tree was decorated and is now on display and the little trees are in the hallway and up the stairs.  Such a magical time of year and such a lovely day.


6th December 2021


4th December 2021