5th February 2022

I have almost 30 years' worth of BBC Good Food magazines.  They are all sitting behind me in my bookcase and I really can't work out what to do with them.

I used to excitedly look forward to getting them every month but slowly the recipes drifted away from what I was interested in and many of them sat without actually being read properly.  I still continued getting them for quite some time until this time last year when my subscription was expiring and they wrote to tell me my subscription was increasing by 75%.  On the same day I had an email offering me a new subscription for pretty much what I was paying already. I felt so incensed that yet again loyal customers were being unfairly treated that I cancelled my subscription there and then. Of course I understand costs are through the roof and everything is difficult right now but 75% is a huge hike and, just for existing customers. 

So now I need to decide what to do with all these magazines that are taking up precious shelf space. I feel sad binning them but who would want them? If you have any ideas then please let me know.


6th February 2024


4th February 2024