5th March 2024

In my new book, Bitter by Alexina Anatole, there is a section on bitter leaves and, flicking through, I realised that I have never actually eaten radicchio or chicory.  What is most surprising about that is how most foodies love both. Since I love both kale and chard, I thought I would also love radicchio.  There is a pasta recipe which sounded good, bitter leaves, walnuts, bacon, ricotta and parmesan, what is not to love? It just felt a bit too bitter which Rhona thought was odd as she said it was no more bitter than Brussels.  I thought the pasta dish was nice but did not love it as I thought I would so we need to redo it to figure out why. Why was it only nice and not fantastic? This confuses me. I want to redo, make a few changes to personalise it to our taste and make hopefully it will be wonderful.


16th March 2024


28th February 2024