6th November 2020

Friday night curry night.  I ditched my old faithful butter chicken for a new recipe from a new cookbook. As soon as I started the gravy I knew changing recipes was a mistake.  This recipe had only 3 spices in the gravy which even before I started did make me wonder if it would be any good. However I followed the recipe without changing anything just to see how it went. When I tasted it I realised it just tasted like Heinz tomato soup, I like Heinz tomato soup don’t get me wrong, just not when I am expecting a curry gravy.

So after tasting it I raided my spice cupboard, got out all my spices and set about fixing it.  I added at least 6 spices as well as onion and garlic and ginger and before I knew it it had ended up closer to my old faithful recipe than the new recipe.

What a disappointment .  I hate it when a recipe is bad because you put a lot of time, effort and ingredients into it and if it wasn’t that I already had a great recipe to know what it should be like, I would have probably never bothered with butter chicken ever again.

I also made some parathas which actually were really lovely.


7th November 2020


5th November 2020