8th December 2020

It has been a really busy week or so, not just at home but also with the day job.  Tonight I needed something very quick and easy and super yummy.  Yesterday it was 5 years since my mum died of PSP and so Rhona came up with the suggestion of cooking something that makes me think of her.  The thing that makes me think of her the most is fish and seafood but yesterday was meat free Monday and so it got pushed to today.  

We made a tuna pasta bake which I know some people are funny about but it really is the perfect meal, you can cook it in literally 15 minutes, cover it with cheese, bake for half an hour and hey presto.  The best bits are the cheesy crunchy bits around the edge, so good. My mum used to cook this a lot at one point and it really always makes me think of her.


9th December 2020


7th December 2020