13th May 2021

Do you like crisps?  I absolutely love them and there is such a huge variety now.  When we were children there was roast beef, salt and vinegar, ready salted and cheese and onion and almost always they were Golden Wonder. My favourites now are Walkers, do you even get Golden Wonder any more? How does a company go from being so big and popular to not around at all.  Cheese and onion is probably still my favourite, a true classic flavour that really reminds me of my childhood.  When we were children crisps were not something you had every day, it was a treat. Occasionally on a Sunday mum would get James and I a little glass bottle of coke, a marathon (now snickers) bar and a bag of Walkers cheese and onion, we would both be so happy.  Those days were absolutely fabulous and really stick in my memory.


14th May 2021


12th May 2021