18th July 2021

Today has been a really good day.  We started the day with Anna Jones potato rosti with ancho chilli chutney and a fried egg, it was so good.  I thought the rosti would be lovely (which it really was) but the chutney really took me by surprise, it was so gorgeous, especially with the egg.  It took much longer than anticipated as I bluffed my way through it all but it was worth it.

Then we were sitting in the garden eating breakfast when our lovely neighbours Michael and Jess gave us a home grown cucumber.  They grow lots of vegetables and I love it when we get some because they just taste so good.  I must make something and give to them.

Then for dinner we decided to make use of the good weather and we made coffee steak and potatoes on the fire. 

This was a weekend I wished had not come to an end.


19th July 2021


17th July 2021