1st October 2021

I can’t believe it’s already October, Victoria will soon be 22 and I cannot help but reminisce.  It happens every year, it gets to October and I think about how old she is, how time flies, about her when she was little, about the funny little things she did, about how I once sat up until the early hours making her a ladybird costume for world book day and she flatly refused to put it on.   It was the first time I had seen her be stubborn, until that point she was always quite placid and did as she was told. It was such a shock firstly and then a kick in the guts as I had been up so late making it and then amusing when I realised she had a similar stubborn streak to me.  She used to love fairy cakes and loved making them, decorating them and then eating them.  She used to get this little Tweenie plate she had and put 1 cake on her plate then raise her finger to her lips and say shhhhhhhhh, wink and then take another ha ha, she was so gorgeous.  No, she is so gorgeous.


2nd October 2021


30th September 2021