20th February 2023

I was reading this article the other day about how the Food Standards Agency chairman, Professor Susan Jebb has compared taking cake into the office to passive smoking.  Passive smoking! How can eating cake even begin to be close?  With passive smoking the non-smoker has no option but to breath in smoke.  With cake, you have the choice on whether or not to eat it.

One of the things I most remember about working in the office is the little area that sat behind me where people would bring in cakes or sweets or things that they/their family had made.  It wasn't every day but when it happened it did make a big difference to morale.  Also, nobody was forced to eat anything.  Yes sometimes maybe in that mid-afternoon dip you would nibble something you maybe would not had it not been there, but nobody forced it.  A little will power is all that is needed here.

Sometimes this world feels like it is going totally crazy.


27th April 2023


19th February 2023