20th September 2020

I have been continuing to read Richard Bertinet’s Crumb and can now see what a skill proper bread making is.  Just looking at the techniques for getting a basic white dough right by hand were complex, causing me to need to read it several times and watch the video a few times to really get my head around it.

Initially when I got the book I ordered a kilner jar and thought I would be making sour dough as soon as my starter is ready but Richard suggests perfecting the basic white first and, looking at how complex it is I suspect it is going to take some time to perfect.  I am going to attempt it this week so watch for the trials and tribulations that will undoubtedly follow.

I have found the book fascinating, Richard explains the reasons why many people find bread difficult to digest which could explain why so many people think that they are unable to eat bread.  This largely is down to the need to make bread fast and have it so it stays fresher longer.

I think I need to get his other books, Dough and Crumb as they are the preludes to this book and probably cover any gaps left with Crumb. I would really like to go on one of his bread making courses - one for next year perhaps.

As I may have mentioned before, I am a member of the Great British Chefs book club.  Richard’s book was recommended in March 2019 and so lots of little tips come up on this.  Lots of the members said that instead of buying a proving basket they just use a colander lined with a floured clean cotton tea towel so that is what I am going to be trying until the point I know I can bake bread.


21st September 2020


19th September 2020