3rd January 2022

I have spent the day trying to plan my blogs for the month and schedule everything in, hopefully being more organised will keep me on track this year. So watch out for a new beginners series and a classic series. Being busy meant we had cheese and biscuits this evening with the malt loaf and jalapeno jelly.

I can't believe Christmas is already over and the tree and twinkly lights are now due to be taken down.  Everything is going to feel so bare and so sad.  After all the weeks of planning in the blink of an eye it is all over.  Christmas is such a special time of the year.

Maybe we will get some snow in the next few weeks which always feels a little magical.  Time now for hearty warming stews, I do love the changing of the seasons and the different foods and meals we get because of that.


4th January 2022


2nd January 2022