4th February 2021

I am part of the Great British Chef’s cookbook club.  I hadn’t even realised there was a book club until last year February and by then the club had been going for 2 years.  I have since been buying the monthly book plus a catch up book per month but have found that some of the older books are difficult to get hold of and expensive.  Today I was thrilled to fine the Trine Hahnemann’s Scandinavian Baking, it is super difficult to get hold of.  I cannot wait to get it!  One of the things I love is the use of cardamom in Scandinavian cooking, I LOVE cardamom, the smell is so intoxicating for me, I absolutely love it.

Some years ago Starbucks had my absolute all time favourite coffee, the vanilla spice which was a cardamom vanilla syrup that goes just gorgeously with coffee.


5th February 2021


3rd February 2021